Health Research and Innovation Expo (HRIE)

Health Research
and Innovation Expo (HRIE)

Health Research Expo (HRE) merupakan sebuah kegiatan tahunan yang diselenggarakan FK-KMK sejak tahun 2015, dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas penelitian melalui optimalisasi networking internal antar dosen dan peneliti di lingkungan FK-KMK UGM serta mendapatkan pengetahuan dan informasi mengenai penelitian dan inovasi dari para dosen dan peneliti sehingga meningkatkan partisipasi dan kolaborasi. Pada tahun 2020 ini, kegiatan tersebut kami lengkapi sehingga bernama Health Research & Innovation Expo (HRIE).

Series of Activities

Keynote Speaker

Bioinformatics dan artificial intelligence expert


Healthpreneur expert


Health Innovation Product and Research Poster


Health Innovation Product, Micro/small/medium Enterprises (MSMEs), and e-Research Poster

HRIE on Medical Fair

18-19 Oktober 2024


Health Innovation Product Competition

      The innovation product competition is the main competition in the series of activities for HRIE 2024. In this competition, participants will showcase innovative health products, which can include Educational Media/Manikins in the Health Sector, Medical Instrumentation/Medical Devices, as well as Food and Medicine. The competition rules are as follows:

  1. Target participants: high school/vocational school students, undergraduate students, and the general public.
    Participants can be individuals or teams.
  2. Each participant is required to submit an abstract of their innovation product research, which can be downloaded at
  3. The abstracts will be reviewed, and the top 10 participants will be selected to present in front of the judges.
  4. Presentations will last 7 minutes, followed by a 3-minute Q&A session (total duration of 10 minutes).
  5. Participants who do not advance to the presentation stage can still display their innovation products in the form of e-posters (using TV media) during the event and will receive an e-certificate.
  6. From all presenters, the top 3 will be chosen as winners.
  7. Each will receive a cash prize.
  8. The innovation competition is open to everyone and is free of charge.
  9. The panel of judges consists of experts in the field of innovation.

Research Poster Competition

    Research Poster Competition is a series of events in HRIE 2024 that showcase research posters from students of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, UGM (FK-KMK UGM). The participant requirements are as follows:

  1. Target participants: undergraduate, master’s, and specialist students from FK-KMK UGM.
  2. Participants can be individuals or teams.
  3. Digital poster design should use common applications (Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Canva, etc.).
  4. Posters should be in Portrait format with dimensions of 100 cm (height) x 60 cm (width) in PNG or JPG format with a minimum resolution of 300 ppi.
  5. Each participant is required to submit an originality statement which can be downloaded at
  6. Posters will be selected and the top 10 posters will be chosen to be presented in front of the judges.
  7. Selected participants for the final presentation must send one representative to present their poster for 3 minutes, followed by a 3-minute Q&A session.
  8. From all presenters, the top 3 will be chosen as winners. Each will receive a cash prize.

Past Event


  • HRIE

    Keynote Speaker: Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif

  • HRIE

    Talkshow: Komersialisasi Media Ajar melalui berbagai Platform

  • HRIE

    Innovation Expo and Presentation

  • HRIE

    Research Poster Expo and Presentation


  • HRIE

    Launching Big Data Academic Health System (AHS)

  • HRIE

    Keynote Speaker: Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

  • HRIE

    Talk Show Utama

  • HRIE

    Talk Show: Inventor Instrumentasi Medis, Produk Obat, dan Pangan


  • HRIE

    Talk Show

  • HRIE


  • HRIE



  • HRIE
  • HRIE
  • HRIE